Wednesday, June 21, 2006

(By: dinggol araneta divinagracia- Feb. 2, 2006)
Exactly fourteen (14) years ago today, on February 2, 1992 during the annual celebration of the Jaro District Fiesta in honor of "Nuestra Senora de la Candelaria" or Our Lady of Candles, several Araneta --"parientes" met at the Iloilo historical landmark..."The Antillan House"...owned by the family of the generous GREGORIO SANSON Y MONTINOLA and his wife the former MARILOU LORCA TIROL. "Greg" is the eldest son of the late Don ALFREDO ARANETA SANSON and MATILDE JALANDONI MONTINOLA and grandson of ROQUE LOCSIN SANSON and ISABEL SORIANO ARANETA.
During the casual conversations, the idea and plan for the creation of a Family Association in preparation for the First Araneta Family Grand Reunion was conceived.
Thereafter, several meetings were held under the able leadership of Dna. Eva Araneta-Serra, daughter of Don Marciano Yulo Araneta erstwhile "Presidente Municipal" of Bago in Negros Occidental. And with the untiring guidance of Antonio "TonyPet" Araneta, grandson of the illustrious son of Molo, Iloilo City, Don Gregorio Soriano Araneta, Secretary General of the Malolos Republic of the Revolutionary Government and the first Filipino Solicitor General; Secretary of Justice and Finance.
The author, personally traveled nationwide to make representations and proper coordination with the different Araneta Family Groups:
* In Anilao, Iloilo -made contact with Sangguniang Bayan Member Paterno Aponte Araneta, head of Pantaleon Araneta Clan. Together with Jose Alfonso "Jojo" Hallares, we were able to trace their Araneta lineage. Also visited the "Parientes" in Barotac Nuevo and in other Towns of Iloilo Province .
* Together with the Montinola-Sanson brothers, Federico and George with wife Beth, attended the "Cinco de Noviembre" Reunion of the General Juan "Tan Juan" Araneta descendants in Bago City, Negros Occidental.
*Also visited the homes of Angela Araneta Marino, only daughter of Angel Soriano Araneta in La Carlota City; Antonio Montilla Esteban and his wife Gloria Araneta Esteban - former Vice Governor of Negros Occidental; Angel"AA"Aldeguer Araneta in Bacolod City and the other Aranetas' of Negros Island.
* Likewise; attended at the home of Antonio and Teresa Araneta -Albert in QuezonCity, the Family Reunion of the Gregorio Soriano Araneta and Carmen Roxas Zaragoza descendants.
*Shared the generous hospitality of Margarita"Nena" Rebullida-Araneta with her family at her Forbes Park home during their weekend get-together. I refer to the family of the late legal luminary J. Antonio Zaragoza Araneta.
*Met my mothers first cousin, retired Lawyer Oscar Tejico Araneta for the first time in his Green Hills - Mandaluyong home with his daughter Josefita Yulo Araneta-Pascual and family.
*Stayed for a few of days with the family in Pasay City of Nieves Claudio de Araneta, wife of the late Leopoldo Masa Araneta.
*Likewise, stayed with Marcia Araneta-Regala in her Condominium along Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City while contacting other "Parientes" in the Metro Manila area.
The news of an impending celebration of the First Araneta Family Grand Reunion caught like wild fire that spread by words of mouth, thru local and long distance telephone brigade, cablegrams and via internet communications.
On April 16, 1993 at The Residence Hotel along Gen. Luna Street in Iloilo City the following were elected as the Interim Set of Officers and the creation of the different Committees, Schedule of Activities and PROGRAMME for the "First Reunion" were finalized.
P r e s i d e n t : Rodolfo "Dinggol" Araneta Divinagracia
Executive Vice President : Jose "Pepe" Gustilo Sanson
Vice Pres. External Affairs: Pablito "Pabs" Valera Araneta
Vice Pres. Internal Affairs: Rebecca "Becay" Araneta-de Leon
S e c r e t a r y : Consuelo "Day Ling" Araneta-Corteza
T r e a s u r e r : Trinidad "Booday" Tirador Tionko
A u d i t o r : Concepcion "Pinky" Layson-Rojo
Business Manager : Pilar "Peachy" Yulo-Deles
Public Relations Officer : Jose Alfonso "Jojo" Hallares
Peace Courtesy Officer : Raymund Macalalag Montelibano
For Iloilo City & Panay:
*Jose Alfonso "Jojo" D. Hallares
*Cecile Campos-Jarantilla
*Dr. Joebert Ganzon Sanson
For Bacolod/Bago Cities & Negros:
*Gloria Araneta-Esteban
*Dr. Samson Araneta Gonzaga
*Angel "AA" Aldeguer Araneta
For Metro Manila & Luzon:
*Marcia Araneta-Regala
*Suzanne Araneta-Ledesma
*Cecile Araneta-Cacho
A D V I S E R S:
Iloilo City and Panay: Eva Araneta-Serra
Bacolod/Bago Cities and Negros: Sylvia Araneta-Torres
Metro Manila and Luzon: Antonio "ToneyPet" Araneta
(November 19-20,1993, Iloilo City)
Overall Chairman: Jose "Pepe" Gustilo Sanson
Vice Chairperson: Rebecca "Becay" Araneta-de Leon
SECRETARIAT:*Consuelo Araneta-Corteza
*Ofelia Montinola-de Leon
*Trinidad Tirador Tionko
*Lydia Escarilla-Jamora
*Victoria Salvador-Sanson
*Stella Montinola-Jaen
*Ann Macasa-Sanson
*Ma. Grace Espinosa-Obligacion
*Cecile Campos-Jarantilla
*Nena Torres-Javellana
*Ma. Rita Tirol Sanson
*Elizabeth Vinzon-Sanson
*Ma. Carla T. Divinagracia
*Jane Campos-Jarantilla
*Christine Layson Rojo
*Karen Orozco-Campos
*Marilou Tirol-Sanson
*Nilda Oquendo-Sanson
*Teresita Ganzon-Sanson
*Milagros Yulo-Layson
*Pablito Valera Araneta
*Marilyn Vasquez-Salazar
*Emma Montinola-Ledesma
*Violeta Montinola-Ng
*Celerino dela Torre Grecia III
*Joe Marie Araneta Imutan
*Gregorio Montinola Sanson
*Antonio Esteban Campos
*Felicito Gustilo Sanson
*Federico Montinola Sanson
*Peachy Yulo-Deles
*Carmen Divinagracia-Hallares
*Binky Montinola-Araneta
*Celine Ganzon Sanson
*Jinky Tenebro Divinagracia
*Lalaine Juanitas Hallares
*Alfonso "Jojo" D. Hallares
*Francisco Montinola Sanson
Albert Tirol Sanson
*Rudyard Tenebro Divinagracia
*Raymund Macalalag Montelibano
*Enriquito Araneta Serra
*Jovito Sanson Yusay
*George Montinola Sanson
November 19, 1993 (Friday)
9:00AM-5:00PM *Registration:
a)The Residence Hotel-Iloilo City
b)The Antillan House-Jaro,Iloilo City
2:00PM-6:00PM *Mini-Tour of Iloilo City:
Assembly-Residence Hotel
Assembly Time- 1:00 PM
November 20, 1993 (Saturday)
8:00AM-9:00AM *Registration:
a) Sta. Ana Church - Molo, Iloilo City
b) The Antillan House- Jaro,Iloilo City
9:30AM-10:30AM *Concelebrated Mass:
Sta. Ana Church-Molo,Iloilo City
10:30AM-11:00AM *Motorcade*
Venue- The Antillan House at Jaro, Iloilo City
(Courtesy of Mr. & Mrs. Gregorio Montinola Sanson)
Pambansang Awit - Mrs. Binky Montinola-Araneta
Opening Prayers - Rev. Francisco Z. Araneta, S.J.
Welcome Address - Gregorio Montinola Sanson
Surprise Number - ? ? ?
Lunch ...Lunch ... Lunch...hmmmmmm ....Lunch...
Introduction of Family Members and Delegates:
(dinggol araneta divinagracia(Interim President-"AFMA")
Short Talk . . . . By: Margarita "Tina" Araneta-Singh
Awards Presentation:
(Rebecca Araneta-de Leon & Marilyn Vasquez-Salazar)
Closing Prayer - Jose "Pepe" Gustilo Sanson
EMCEE: Pablito "Pabs" Valera Araneta
(After the Program):
a) AFMA Business Meeting:
(With Representative from each Family Group)
b) Parlor Games
7:00PM-11:00PM *Fellowship and Dinner Buffet:
(The Residence Hotel-Gen. Luna St., Iloilo City)
11:PM ..*Disco-The Base Discotique, Sarabia Manor Hotel
(General Luna Street, Iloilo City
WHAT : Fellowship and Dinner Buffet
WHY : "May the brotherhood of our ancestors continue to future generation"
WHEN : November 20, 1993-Saturday-7:00 PM
WHERE: The Residence Hotel-Traditions Ballroom
I - Opening Prayer : Rebeca Araneta-de Leon
II - Welcome Address : Jose Gustilo Sanson
III- Messages:
*Pablito Valera Araneta-Prov'l Board Member:4th District,Iloilo
*Edward Miller Matti-Congressman: 4th District, Negros Occidental
*Paterno Aponte Araneta-Municipal Councilor: Anilao, Iloilo
IV - D I N N E R B U F F E T
V - Short Talk . . . . : By a Family Member
VI - Slide Presentation : Antonio "TonyPet" Araneta
VII- Messages:
*Manuel"Mar"Araneta Roxas-Congressman: 1st District, Capiz
*Samson Obsequio Gonzaga,Jr.-City Councilor: Bago City, Negros Occidental
*Manuel"Tutay"Yulo Torres-Mayor: Bago City, Negros Occidental
VIII-Memoirs : "Life with Mother or Father"
IX -Surprise Number: By a Family Member
X -Special Announcement:
(by: Trinidad Tirador Tionko- AFMA Treasurer)
XI-Closing Remarks:
(Dinggol Araneta Divinagracia-AFMA Interim President)
EMCEES: Jose Alfonso "Jojo" Hallares and Marie Jo Fuentes Gallardo
With the ARANETA FAMILY MEMBERS ASSOCIATION well established; the preparation and finishing touches for the "Big Event" completed, everyone is looking forward for a very successful "First Grand Reunion" of the Araneta Clan.
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hello mr araneta, i just came here to search about the ARANETA reunion on april 2009 at bacolod. then i happen to view your site. well i was hoping you could tell me my linage.
i was born at mandurriao, but my father rsides at molo, iloilo, my grandfather is francisco araneta and my great grandfather is ludovico araneta. can't trace my linage, can you help me.
i was born at mandurriao, but my father rsides at molo, iloilo, my grandfather is francisco araneta and my great grandfather is ludovico araneta. can't trace my linage, can you help me.
hi mr. araneta, can you help me to have a contact with mrs. mila araneta? last april 19, 2009 i met her in the plane i've gotten her number but then i lost my phone and i dont have a back up for my contacts. mr. manolet araneta is a colleage of my grandfather in the basketball. Can you please help me. By the way, I'm Dorcas Jay Regalado. If you want i'll just give you my phone number (02) 8286703 or the cel. number of my dad just in case (09287404424). I live here in ParaƱaque city,manila. Thank you.
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